In a groundbreaking triumph, the action-comedy sensation “Flex X Cop” has surged to new heights, securing its place as a top-tier K-Drama. The latest episode has not only captivated audiences but also shattered records, boasting an impressive nationwide rating of 11.0 percent, marking the show’s inaugural entry into the coveted double digits.
This outstanding achievement was confirmed by Nielsen Korea, positioning “Flex X Cop” as a formidable force in the fiercely competitive drama landscape. The success of the series is further emphasized by its dominance over other popular shows in the same time slot. KBS 2TV’s “Korea-Khitan War,” a fellow contender, also earned an average nationwide rating of 11.0 percent, solidifying its status as the most-watched drama in its time bracket.
Industry insiders are buzzing with excitement over the undeniable impact of “Flex X Cop.” Commenting on the milestone, the show’s executive producer, Jane Kim, expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “We are overjoyed by the overwhelming support from viewers. The journey of ‘Flex X Cop’ has been nothing short of exhilarating, and we are grateful for the viewers’ love.”
As the K-Drama landscape continues to evolve, “Flex X Cop” has set a new standard for success, captivating audiences with its unique blend of action and comedy. The series has not only secured its place in the hearts of viewers but has also become a cultural phenomenon, leaving an indelible mark on the entertainment scene.
In the midst of this triumph, other dramas such as JTBC’s “Doctor Slump” and tvN’s “Captivating the King” have also unveiled their second-half performances, further intensifying the competition for viewership. However, “Flex X Cop” remains unparalleled, demonstrating its resilience and widespread appeal.
As the K-Drama frenzy continues, “Flex X Cop” stands as a testament to the industry’s ability to create content that resonates with a diverse audience. With its record-breaking ratings, the drama has not only achieved an all-time high but has also cemented its legacy as a must-watch series.
Source: pragativadi